Sunday 22 September 2019

Open your mind - Let's self care

self caring is all. no any other man or person is no much interetsed in caring you. Not telling all the person. but i am sure only a small percentage of people caring other. But most of the people are selfish. They wish what they want to do. During which they are not remember others reaction when they do that. others feelings etc.

In the last post, i have written about how to get rid from the cheat girls. That was story of my friend. she cared a lot but she changes accordingly due to the time. when you no longer see caring people and they have new people to mingle, the chances of haing mind deviation is95%. only five percentage will be care for their old one.

so self care is better than caring others.
for selface, note these 12 points.

  1. if it feels wrong, then do't doit.
  2. say exactly what you mean
  3. Don't be a people pleaser
  4. trust your instincts.
  5. \never speak bad about yourself.
  6. never giveup your own dreams
  7. don't be afraid to say "no" 
  8. Don't be afraid to say "yes"
  9. Be kind to yourself.
  10. let go of what you can't control
  11. stay away from drama and negativity.
  12. Love.
Yeah this was my whatsapp status.
Enjoy your life in your own way.



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